Alienations for The Rich — текст песни (they might be giants)

This song is dedicated to all you modern-day troubadors out there

And I think I know who you are

I got to get a job

Got to get some pay

My sons gotta go to art school

Hes leaving in three days

And the tvs in esperanto*

You know that thats a bitch

But alienations for the rich

And Im feeling poorer every day

Hey hey hey

Well I aint feeling happy

About the state of things in my life

But Im working to make it better

With a six of miller high life

Just drinking and a-driving

Making sure my dues get paid

Because alienations for the rich

And Im feeling poorer every day

Hey hey hey

Well I aint feeling happy

About the state of things in my life

But Im working to make it better

With a six of miller high life

Just drinking and a-driving

Making sure my dues get paid

Because alienations for the rich

And Im feeling poorer every day

Hey hey hey

Hey hey hey

Hey hey hey

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