The way u did me was plain out wrong.
I`m tha nicest chick u would ever meet
Yeah, the chickenheads throw tha pussy 2 u and buy u shit
Pussy ain`t everything
Once it`s over, it`s over
4 a while I felt bad about how u played me out
I used 2 watch u walk down tha street and say,
that used 2 be mine
In time, u got what u asked 4
When we broke up, I felt fucked up and sad
I`m surprised I wasn`t mad
U called me and told me what happened
I wasn`t surprised at all
I figured something like this would happen
A nigga can`t go 2 a party and stay faithful
I felt kinda sad
Shit, nigga, I was something u never had, and never will
U say u don`t care if she cheat on u
U told me last night ya`ll fucked till ya`ll were black and blue
I guess that`s all u know how 2 do
But now that I`m on top, and callin` tha shots, u hatin` on me cauze u wanna be in my shoes
U stay wit yo mama and u don`t even help pay tha dues
U a h-a-t-e-r
U a hater
U mad cauze I`m talkin` tha talk and walkin` tha walk
Shit, it ain`t my fault
Every time I see u somewhere, I just look at u think, why would u do such a thing
But then I woke up and remembered that u were a little boy and still plays with toys
I`m way over u now
I got a new man and everything
Now I guess u see what I mean
2 me, money ain`t a thing
All u ever wanted was tha bling bling and tha mean green
None of that will ever happen cauze u 2 greedy and u can`t handle your own
Yo niggaz can`t call u cauze u don`t have a home phone