I`m not no red football
To be kicked around the garden
No no
I`m a red christmas-tree ball
And I`m fragile
I`m not no animal
Though I am to you
I`m not no crocodile
Like the one in Dublin Zoo
Who lived in a cage the length and breadth of his body
When a window which people could look through
And throw coins on his back to taunt him `though he couldn`t move
Even if he wanted to
I`m not nbo animal in the zoo
I`m not no whipping boy for you
You may not treat me like you do
I`m not no animal in the zoo
My skin is not a football for you
My head is not a football for you
My body`s not a football for you
My womb is not a football for you
My heart is not a football for you
I`m not no animal in the zoo
This animal will jump up and eat you
I`m not no animal in the zoo
And I`ve every intention
Of leaping up and getting you