Flopping aroundLike a fish out of waterEyes turned backwardsMuscular spasmsDoing the final danceThe dance of deathPainfully using your last feeble breathFoaming at the mouthDrooling like a sick dogDie[Leads:E.C][D.C]Convulse
When I Think Of You / Halsell Steve
На самом волнующем месте / Шамиль Абряров
Why / Tracy Chapman
Whose The `G` / BG Knocc Out and Dresta
Were All Water / lennon john
Higher Love / Steve Winwood
In The Heat Of The Night / Ray Charles
Can`t Get Enough / Modern Talking
Hummin` Bird / Bob Seger
Верблюд / Андрей Макаревич
Suds & Soda / deus