Everyone has words to say And they make me strong Hear the sound Won`t you take my hand Just a smile and your embrace I can do no wrong Turn around say you understand Holding you I fear no evil I can feel the love inside ...
Everything flows in an endless stream and if we close our eyes like a vision or a dream we`ll see this world in its myriade ways: Everything flows and every single minute brings a change to the earth and to everybody in it - watc...
I keep the radio on most all night long listen to the songs they play Sometimes I hum tap along with my thumb listen to the words they say And I have to admit those yesterday hits take me back a year or two I get those 1953 Dear J...
Налегке старый уходит год Вдалеке след его дней мелькнет На него бросит снежинок горсть ветер И вот-вот Новый наступит Год Новый Год. Он родился на свет Новый Год.
(Raiss) Sienteme bbuono chiammame cu`o nomme mio nun tengo ggenio `e pazzia` se pazzea cu`a panza chiena `a mia e` vacante `a verita` tu me hai purta` rispetto si me vide tenimmo `e stessi nonni nu me cride? Chi songo? I` songo l`...
Love of my life I don`t have a lot to give you What`s in my heart Is all that I can really give you Love, undying love is all I have A handful of words, that might make you laugh And all the strength you need To make it through Al...
A tenement, a dirty street Walked and worn by shoeless feet Inside it`s long and so complete Watched by a shivering sun Old eyes in a small child`s face Watching as the shadows race Through walls and cracks and leave no trace And ...