Ma tovu ohalecha Ya`akov,
Mish`k`no`techa Yisrael.
Va`ani b`rov chas`d`cha avo veitecha,
Eshtachaveh el heichal kod-sh`cha b`yiratecha.
Adonai ahavti m`on beitecha, u`m`kom mishkan k`vodecha
Va`ani eshtachaveh v`echra`a, ev`r`cha lifnei Adonai osi.
Va`ani t`filati l`cha, Adonai eit ratzon.
Elohim, b`rov chasdecha, (aneini be`emet yishecha) (2x)
How lovely are your tenst, O Jacob,
Your dwelling places, O Israel,
In your abundan lovingkindness, O God, let me enter Your house,
reverently to worship in Your holy temple.
Adonai, I love Your house, the place where Your glory dwells.
So I would worship with humility, I would seek the blessing in the
presence of God, my Maker.
To You, then, Adonai, does my prayer go forth.
May this be a time of joy and favor.
In Your great love, O God, answer me with Your saving truth.