Rodney Burke: I`ve got one card here and it`s on the same subject, eh, but this one says, "We think the show is great and we dig the Beatles the most, but we still haven`t heard a word from Ringo yet."
Ringo: Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!
Rodney: "And how about him singing?" Well, what will you sing for us, Ringo? Will you say a few words?
Ringo: Hello, there, kiddies. I`d like to sing a song for you today called "Matchbox." There you go.
Rodney: Set fire to that lot. Okay, Ringo, thanks very much.
Ringo: Don`t you et smart with me, you know.
Rodney: Do you mind? Get over to your microphone, "Matchbox."