I think I did a good job with this song! Well, it’s as close as I can get it.
Hope you enjoy playing it. it’s a really good song even though I don’t understand it….
If you have any queries, email me on xephyr007@hotmail.com.
D chord shape Am chord (after this stop the strings vibrating)
1. E--------------0 hammer on 2-------------------------------0---
2. B--------------3------------------3-------------------------1---
3. G--------2------------------------------2-------------------2---
4. D----0-------------------------------------------------2--------
5. A------------------------------------------------ 0-------------
6. E---------------------------------------------------------------
C chord shape G chord (after this stop the strings vibrating)
1. E----------------------0---------------------------------3----
2. B----------------------1---------------------------------3----
3. G---------------0---------------0----------------------- 0----
4. D----------------------2---------------------------0----------
5. A----3-----3--------------------------------------------------
6. E---------------------------------------------3---------------
D chord Am chord C chord G chord
don’t tell me to stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
D chord Am chord C chord G chord
tell the rain not to druuuuuuuuuuuup
D chord Am chord C chord G chord
tell the wind not to blooooooooooooooow
D chord Am chord C chord G chord
cuz’ you said so mmm mmm
so basically your meant to play all four chords in the one line.
Listen to song, and you’ll get the hang of it, tablature isn’t
a good representation of the timing involved so play it slowly
then, progress to timing it.
I love this website. Really it’s the best. I’ve learnt literally
hundreds of songs from this site, and have become quite popular!
So thanks to all who post songs up.