Cursum perficio. I am making an end to my course. Verbum sapienti: A word to the wise: quo plus habent, the more [people] have eo plus cupiunt. the more they want. Post nubila, Phoebus After the clouds, Phoebus (1) Iternum Over and over again (2)
Шорохи в саду /
Скерцо / Дмитрий Авилов
Les Filles Que J`Aime / Doriand
Untamed Guerilla / Turk
Love of the Common People / Lynn Anderson
all his suits are torn2 / nofx
There Goes Your Baybay / Todd Rundgren
Blood Is Boiling / Acid Drinkers
Times Wastin / Fatal
Bare det е bli fшdt / Postgirobygget