Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 15:54:08 -0800
From: ankris
Subject: TAB: Are Ye Sleepin Maggie? by Dougie MacLean
Are Ye Sleepin Maggie?
trad. arr. Dougie MacLean 1984
>From the album (?) and
The Putmayo Celtic Collection
transcribed by Dave O`Hara 12/96
Fm// Fm/ Eb// X4
Fm Eb
Mach [Mirk] and rainy is the nicht [night]
Fm Db Eb
There`s no a star in a` the carry
Fm Eb
Lightning gleams athwart the lift
Fm Db Eb
And winds drive on with winter`s fury
Ab Ab
O are you sleepin` Maggie
Eb Eb
O are you sleepin` Maggie
Fm Fm Eb
Let me in, for loud the linn
Fm Db Eb
Is roaring now o`er the warlacragie [warlock craigie]
Fearfu` socks the boortree bank
The rifted wood roars wild and dreary
Loud the iron yet does clank
And cry of howlets mak me eerie
Aboon my breath I daurna speak
For fear I`ll rise your waalkrife daddie
Cold`s the blast upon my cheek
Arise, Arise, my bonnie lady
Fm// F/ Eb//
Fm// Db/ Eb/
She`s op`ed the door, she`s let him in
He`s cruist aside his dreeping plaidie
Blow your worst ye rainie wind
Since Maggie now I`m in asideya
New since you`re walkin` Maggie
New since you`re walkin` Maggie
What care I for howlets cry
For roaring linn or warlacragie
I`d like to see some more MacLean tabs,
this is probably the one of the easiest if
not the most basic.Questions or comments welcome.
Cheers, DO