Band: Mudvayne
Song: Prevail
Tuning: Down 1/2 Step; Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,Eb
Intro: (dont know the rythym but if you listen to the song you can figure it out)
D |-o--------9--9--9--9--9---9--9--9--9--9--9----
A |--------7777777777777777777777777777777777----
E |-o--------------------------------------------
---101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010------| x 3
Let both ring
A |-o-2----------------5----------------o|
E |-o-0----------------3----------------o| x 3 then P.M. E5 a couple times into 1st verse
1ST Verse:
P.M. all
A |--22-22222222-22222222-22222222-22222222-22222222-22222222-22222222-22222222-22222222-
E |--00-00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000-
Let ring
A -22222222---22222222--2222222-----2-----------|
E -00000000---00000000--0000000-----0-----------|
2Nd Verse:
P.M. all 0`s
D |-o---------------------------------------3---------------o-|
A |-----------------------------------------1-------3---------| x12
E |-o--000000000000000000000000----000--------------1-------o-|
A |---2552-5535----o-|
E |---0330-3303----o-| x8
Then with Slight bends on those four (1st and 2nd) 3’s, maybe 1/4 step
E |---0033330033330033---o| x 8
E |o -003344223344- o| x4 last time hit 4 one time
Then put chorus into 5th chords so its like
A |--2--5--6--4--5--6--o|
E |--0--3--4--2--3--4--o| x 8
Bridge riff x8
Then let ring E5. end