Hitchhiker hitchhiker like a restless tiger you can stand still and you never will
Here I stand and the cars go by some of `em honk and some just wave hi
It seems like life and the cars both just pass me by hitchhiker
No special place to be goin` I just go whichever way the wind`s blowin`
It`s hot today I`d kinda like to go where it`s snowin`
Ah maybe I just stay where the green grass is growin`
Here comes another car I wonder is he slowin` down hitchhiker
Hitchhiker hitchhiker like a restless tiger you can stand still and you never will
I guessed boy all dream and so did I my hands once reached and touched the sky
Is this the sky that I reached for just the dust of the road and nothing more
Here comes another car hitchiker
Hitchhiker hitchhiker like a restless tiger you can stand still and you never will