Motor Ace - Pieces Tabbed By: Jules Baxter email: Notes: Standard tuning, no capo Only thing i`m not too sure about is the exact voicing of a few chords, and also the prechorus rhythm part. Solo is note for note.. trust me. Just listen to the song for exact timing ect. Enjoy yet another kickass ace song! :)
P.S - The thing you can hear in the chorus is a hammond played by Matt, so I didn`t transcribe it... although it probably would sound cool when played with a guitar.
Prechorus(Dave): Lead e|-----------------------------5-------5---| b|----3---3---3---3----------3---3---3---3-| g|--4-------4-------then---2-------2-------| d|------4-------4--------------------------| a|-----------------------------------------| e|-----------------------------------------|
Chorus: Sometimes you feel it.... e|--0--0---------0--5---------------| b|--3--3--x-3-2--3--3--x-3-2--------| g|--2--2--2-2-2--2--2--2-2-2--------| d|--0--0--2-2-2--0--0--2-2-2--------| a|--2--2--0-0-0--2--x -0-0-0--------| e|--3--x---------3--x---------------|
Solo: Rhythm plays Chorus chords during the solo e|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| b|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| g|-2s14--16p14------------------------------11--9------------9-11--9-----------| d|-------------16--12------9-----9---------------9--12--9-12--------12-9-10b11-| a|--------------------7s12--12-9--12-9-----------------------------------------| e|-------------------------------------12--------------------------------------|
Post solo transition piano transcription: (Try saying that 5 times fast :P) e|-2-------------------------------5--2-----| b|------3-----5--------------------------5--| g|---2-----2-----then at the end------------| d|------------------------------------------| a|------------------------------------------| e|------------------------------------------|
Bit played by Dave over the final chorus: e|---0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-------| b|---3s5-5-5--3s5-5-5--ect.-| g|--------------------------| d|--------------------------| a|--------------------------| e|--------------------------|
Lyrics (Transcribed by Peter Blunden
There`s pieces of you and yeah there`s peices of me uniting my life but you`ve haunted my dreams There`s pieces of you and yeah there`s peices of me in everything i see
Took relationship advice from the magazine you like said it all last know how it feels There`s pieces of you and yeah there`s peices of me and everyone i see
You came You left We`ll start things all again
--Chorus Sometimes you feel it then it goes i guess you might still call it stereo Sometimes you feel it then it goes i guess you might still call it stereo
There`s pieces of you and yeah there`s peices of me Cant live without music it all that i breathe There`s pieces of you and yeah there`s peices of me In every song i sing