Frank zappa (synclavier)
Ensemble modern
Ich bin grad reinkommen
(I just came in)
Und da hab I gsehn, dass
(and I noticed that)
Da so viel platz is
(there is so much room here)
[someone says that this is not the un man..]
Ich versteh kein wort
(I dont understand a word)
Ich bin do in dem klavier
(I am in this piano and )
Drinne unds klingt so komisch
(it sounds so strange)
[someone says this aint cnn...]
Do kommt ma scho rum in dem klavier
(you sure get around in this piano)
[someone says my fist speaks english...]
I net, I net, wenn I red no red i
(not me, not me, when I speak I do)
Scho bayrisch
(speak bavarian)
[a different voice in german:]
Bevor ich hier reingekommen
(before I came in here, I had a)
Bin, da hab ich ein patrami
(pastrami sandwich,)
Sandwich gegessen, es war gut
(it was good)
Gebts ihm doch ein pony,
(give him a pony, yes, give him)
Jo, gebts ihm ein pony
(a pony)
[then they talk about room service and how to make a phone call from a payphone.]
Ah, a zahltelefon
(ah, a payphone)
[you hear again a different voice in german. this is a commercial for a german phone service company:]
(phone credit card)
Qualitaet und sicherheit
(quality and security)
Aus einer hand
(from one source)
Wir sind deutschlands
(we are germanys)
(communication company)
Drei null eins eins null drei eins eins drei sechs
(3 0 1 1 0 3 1 1 3 6)
Qualitaet und sicherheit
(quality and security)
Aus einer hand
(from one source)
[then it goes on until rap .. hip hop ...]
Sonate - das ist musik
(sonata (or serenade? )- thats music)
Mozart, mozart
(moonlight serenade)
Des klingt so grauenhaft
(this sounds so awful)
Des moecht I fei nimmer hoeren
(I dont want to hear this anymore)