Frank Zappa (synclavier)
Ensemble Modern
Ich bin grad reinkommen
(I just came in)
und da hab i gsehn, dass
(and I noticed that)
da so viel Platz is
(there is so much room here)
[someone says that this is not the `UN man..`]
Ich versteh kein Wort
(I don`t understand a word)
Ich bin do in dem Klavier
(I am in this piano and )
drinne und`s klingt so komisch
(it sounds so strange)
[someone says `this ain`t CNN`...]
Do kommt ma scho rum in dem Klavier
(you sure get around in this piano)
[someone says `my fist speaks English...`]
I net, i net, wenn i red no red i
(Not me, not me, when I speak I do)
scho bayrisch
(speak bavarian)
[A different voice in German:]
Bevor ich hier reingekommen
(Before I came in here, I had a)
bin, da hab ich ein Patrami
(Pastrami sandwich,)
sandwich gegessen, es war gut
(it was good)
Gebt`s ihm doch ein Pony,
(Give him a Pony, yes, give him)
jo, gebt`s ihm ein Pony
(a Pony)
[then they talk about `room service` and how to make a phone call from a payphone.]
Ah, a Zahltelefon
(Ah, a payphone)
[You hear again a different voice in German. This is a commercial for a German phone service company:]
(Phone credit card)
Qualitaet und Sicherheit
(Quality and security)
aus einer Hand
(from one source)
Wir sind Deutschlands
(We are Germany`s)
(communication company)
Drei Null Eins Eins Null Drei Eins Eins Drei Sechs
(3 0 1 1 0 3 1 1 3 6)
Qualitaet und Sicherheit
(Quality and security)
aus einer Hand
(from one source)
[then it goes on until `Rap .. HIP HOP ...`]
Sonate - das ist Musik
(Sonata (or serenade?)- that`s music)
Mozart, Mozart
(Moonlight serenade)
Des klingt so grauenhaft
(This sounds so awful)
des moecht i fei nimmer hoeren
(I don`t want to hear this anymore)