Let`s talk about me for a minute.
how do you think I feel about what`s been going on?
Let`s talk about me for a:minute.
how do you think I feel about what`s gone wrong?
Let`s talk about dreams
I never learned to read the signs.
Let`s think about what it all means
I never seem to have the time.
Let`s talk about you and your problems.
All that I seem to do is spend the night.
Just talking `bout you and your problems
No matter what I say. I can`t get it right.
Don`t think about dreams
is it all a waste of time?
Don`t think about what it all means
if you are a friend of mine.
Talk about me for a minute
I`m the one who`s losing.
Talk about me for a minute
I`m the one who`s always losing out.
And how do you think I feel about what`s been going on?
Let`s talk about me for a minute.
how do you think I feel about what`s gone wrong?
Let`s think about dreams
we never seem to have the time.
Let`s talk about what it all means if you are a friend of mine.
Let`s talk about me
I`m the one who`s losing out
I`m the one who`s losing out
I`m the one who`s losing out
losing out.
Talk about me for a minute
I`m the one who`s losing. . . .
I`m the one who`s losing out
I`m the one who`s losing out
I`m the one who`s losing out
losing out.
Talk about me for a minute
I`m the one who`s losing.
Talk about me for a minute
I`m the one who`s losing.