Eyes Waterfalling — текст песни (Level 42)

Let me out to play

Let me find a way - to be

Let me feel the sun

Life has just begun for me

Eyes waterfalling, a world full of tears

Eyes waterfalling, but nobody hears

Laughter all around

Its lonely looking down - from here

Fuel my shallow pride

And teach me how to hide my fear

Eyes waterfalling, a world full of tears

Eyes waterfalling, but nobody hears

Theyve got control of my life

I cant break away

Theyve shaped my destiny

No use the boy in me

I go to join my friend

Hell bring me joy again

Eyes waterfalling, a world full of tears

Eyes waterfalling, but nobody hears

I lost control in the night

And drifted away

Eyes waterfalling, a world full of tears

Eyes waterfalling, but nobody hears

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