From: L`Etat Morbide
Hi folks .. here follows the new tab that I managed to figure out.
It is taken from the last album from The Mission named Neverland.
This is probably one of the best from this album (others should follow
then as I tab everything I like very much nowadays ...)
hope the Eskimos will enjoy it
The Mission - Daddy`s goin to Heaven now
tabbed by Olivier GOYET
Intro (gtr transcription for keyboard)
|| e----|---|---|---|---|----||
|| B----|---|-3-|-1-|-4-|-2--||
||:G--0-|-3-|---|---|---|---:|| REPEAT 4 TIMES
|| D----|---|---|---|---|----||
|| A----|---|---|---|---|----||
|| E----|---|---|---|---|----||
Then intro of the bass alone:
repeat the bass once again
then add voice
Gm Bb Dm F Gm Bb Dm Cm
Come close, my baby girl, I`ve got something, I need to say
Gm Bb Dm F Gm Bb Dm Dm (C/D)
I`ll miss you, my darling child, I`m so sorry, Got to go away so..
Eb Cm Gm F
Say good bye, cause Daddy`s going to Heaven now
Eb Cm Gm F
Say good bye, cause Daddy`s going to Heaven now
wait 4 beats, then the song starts really with the drums and ......
..... (what follows)
| gtr1 tr.
| gtr2
| bass
Gm Bb Dm F
break 12
| gtr1
| gtr2
| bass
Gm Bb Dm Cm
Repeat once again from break 2
Gm Bb Dm F Gm Bb Dm Cm
Remember, I have no regret, Remember, I will never forget
Gm Bb Dm F
-> You gave me joy, Brandeline( ????), You gave me faith, And shone so
Gm Bb Dm Dm Cm Dm
-> You gave me reason, I was proud of you, gave me strong, beyondest
the truth
Eb Cm Gm F
So Say good bye, cause Daddy`s going to Heaven now
Eb Cm Gm F }
Say good bye, cause Daddy`s going to Heaven now } 2 times
Eb Cm Eb Cm Dm Eb
Say good bye, cause Daddy`s going to Heaven ....... Now
sorry ... I was a bit lazy ... and I`ve lost the sheet containing the
solo of gtr1 for this part ... it is not very hard to achieve anyway
| gtr1 tr.
| gtr2
| bass
Gm Bb Dm F
break 22
| gtr1
| gtr2
| bass
Gm Bb Dm Cm
| gtr1 tr.
| gtr2
| bass
Gm Bb Dm F
break 24
| gtr1
| gtr2
| bass
Gm Bb Dm Cm
| bass
|G----------------------------------------------------------------- } repeat
|D-------------------------------------------------3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3- } 4 times
|A-----------------1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5----------------- } (but add
|E-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3------------------------------------------------- } power
| Gm Bb Dm F } chords
| bass } when Gm is
|G----------------------------------------------------------------- } played
|D----------------------------------------------------------------- } omly, from
|A-----------------1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3- } 3 rd
|E-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3------------------------------------------------- } time
Gm Bb Dm Cm }
Gm Bb Dm F
I`m so tired now, so frail, I`m so weak
Gm Bb Dm Cm
I have been fighting so long, I need release
Gm Bb Dm F
->I will never be scared, scared to die, Don`t want it for me, Don`t
even try
Gm Bb Dm
->And when sleep comes to aim this blame, I know in my heart,
Dm Cm Dm
I will see you again
Eb Cm Gm F
So Say good bye, cause Daddy`s going to Heaven now
Eb Cm Gm F
Say good bye, cause Daddy`s going to Heaven now
Eb Cm Gm F
Say good bye, cause Daddy`s going to Heaven now
Eb Cm Gm F
Say good bye, cause Daddy`s going to Heaven now
Eb Cm Gm F }
SAY GOOD BYE ---- YE } (4 times)
Eb Cm Gm F } (12 times)
end on Eb with the keyboard background from the start
note: the mark -> has been introduced to state that at this position, the
lyrics had been misunderstood .... waiting for your complains or questions
============^><^ - (L`Etat Morbide) - ^><^================
`So I dance on the graves, where the halo falls` (Wayne Hussey)
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