Andy went back to school. He got sick of Newbury Comics.
Aaron still rides a lot, except now he`s just fatter.
Alex took over for Alex Van Halen, after his major surgery.
Jon, well, he got married to Laura and I teach their kid in first grade.
Thought I saw you on the road last night.
I need to get my eyes checked.
Can`t believe I love something as yellow as you.
"He`s gone so deal with it man."
"Wait, afer all, he did get us across the world and back."
Weren`t you parled at the station? I need to rub my eyes.
We keep your door like it`s a postcard from you from camp.
Maybe we`ll see you in a junkyard soon. Oh man I really hope not.
Maybe you`re in auto heaven. Oh man I really hope so. Now it`s all the same.