Marie, the dawn is breakingMarie, well soon be waitingTo find your heart is achingAnd tears will fall as you recallThe moon in all its splendorYour kiss so very tenderThe words will you surrender to me...marie
Старая липа на Патриарших... / Елена Бушуева
Кай / Евгений Бабенко
The Pirate Song / George Harrison
Сoсны на мoрскoм берегу /
Из ниоткуда появилась ты... / Сергей Погорелый
No Tengo Ropa / Gloria Trevi
one less bell / fifth dimension
Ce Que Tu M`As Fait / Sofia Mestari
Fall Into Your Dreams / Cyndi Lauper
M.A.G.N.O.L.I.A. / Soulja Slim
Selfstyled / Urban Dance Squad