In these days of horror my vital energy dis-
appeared. Even my sister, who gave me
strength till then, was not able to beware
myself from my surrender, anymore. One day
she left us to support a medical convoy on
the way to zene-66. Four days she resisted
the fallout. Then they brought her back. Now,
in my darkest moments I try to remember our
sunny days. Eileen, and I`ll never forget...
We believed time would relieve all pain
Took an oath to honor faith forever
A willow, witness of secrets when
Childhood`s dreams and wishes were told
Not wasting thoughts on sorrows
We shared a joyful time
Eileen, I`m wrestling for answers
All right the wind sighs goodbye
Eileen, there`s no more tomorrow
With your Infallible Smile
Nothing remains but my tears
You made me fell I could let a rainbow rise
At a cloud-darkened grey sky
You`ve been my laughter, my sandness, a tender touch
I perceive your still lasting scent
You walked the stairs to heaven
One way too much that day
Eileen, I`m wrestling for answers
All right the wind sighs goodbye
Eileen, there`s no more tomorrow
With your Infallible Smile
Nothing remains but my tears
You walked the stairs to heaven
One way too much that day
Eileen, I`m wrestling for answers
All right the wind sighs goodbye
Eileen, there`s no more tomorrow
With your Infallible Smile
Nothing remains but my tears