ok here is the real way to play the song.chorus:c5 eflat5 f5 aflat5 c5(2beats) bflat5 slide to c5verse:eflat5 d5 dflat5 c5 repeatf5 g5 aflat5 bflat5download the song from napster to get the rhythm right.PEACE!
Funeral Dance / Jimmy Buffett
I`ll Come Knockin` / Lyle Lovett
Let`s Ride (Radio Edit) / Master P
Hip Hop Barber Shop Request Line / Xscape
Лунная серенада, или Любовь с первого взгляда / Владимир Шандриков
Dover Beach / Bangles,
Up on The Hill / Jimmy Buffett
O.k. /
Norwegian Wood / Beatles, The
Ордынка / Сергей Трубкин
Superman / Sister Hazel