Miss Riley had a dog
She used to keep it in her back yard
And when the dog began to bark
All the neighbours began to shout
Then came a stormy night, Miss Riley let her dog out
And when the neighbours found him `round
They put a gun down his mouth and shot him down
And he went: oooh wow, bow wow, oooh wow, bow wow
Miss Murphy had a cat, on her lap it sat
And once in a great big while
And once in a great big while
It looked like that Cheshire cat did smile
But one day it got so hot
That Cheshire cat had a blood clot
And she said: oooh meow meow, oooh meow meow
Then the dog met the cat
The dog was hot and the cat was met
Then came some sweaty dude
He put a board between the two
Then they couldn`t get at it, got frustrated all about it
So they did the only thing you could do
They took the dude`s sweat and shot it up between the two
And they said: oooh wow, bow wow meow, oooh wow, bow wow meow