10 years from tomorrow
words and music by Josh Smith
(verse 1)
Everything i had you thru out on that interstate
My body`s burning
Get`n twisted in my own fate
Sometimes I wonder did you ever even really care
But this life is mine and not yours to share
YOu twisted, tangled, you tied me up
i`m free now and i say your so out of luck
i`ll leave you buried in the misk of your sorrow
i`ll be gone 10 years from tomorrow
(verse 2)
You thought you had me
Wrapped round that lit`l finger of yours
But i unwound i`ll tell you now thats for sure
Everything i ever did wasnt out of love for you
i did it for myself and that i tell you is the truth
-(repeat Chorus)-
You twisted, tangled, you tied me down
i broke free just to rome around
i took all your money, hey lets call it a borrow
ill pay it back, 10 years from tomorrow
-(chorus to end w/ intro playing cont. after bridge)
INTRO verse/chorus chords
Bridge chords:E,A,D,G
josh smith(j_smitty13@hotmail.com) this is true to form, hell im
just gett`n warm.