You`d fuck your uncle!
You`d fuck your uncle!
Shut your fucking face unklefucker!
You`re an cock sucking, ass lickin` uncle fucker!
You`re an uncle fucker, yes, its true, nobody fucks uncles butt like you!
Shut your` re fucking face unclefucker!
You`re the one that fucks your uncle, unclefucker!
You don`t eat or sleep or mow the lawn, you fuck your uncle all day long!
Dialog (Mhh!) Dialog
What`s goin` on here!?
That`s garbage!
Well, What do you expect, they are canadians?
Uncleeefucker, Unlcefucker, Unclefucker, Uncleeeefucker!
Shut your fucking face, unclefucker!
You`re an ????????? unclefucker!
You`re an unclefucker I must say!
You fucked your uncle yesterday!
Unclefucker thats u n c l e! Fuck you! Unclefuckeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!
Suck my balls!