Jesse pintado
Name your price for progress
Impoverished settle the bill
Clear a path - coming through !
Clear a path - coming through !
Make it easy / on the eye
Keep our distance -
Too under-formed to grace the sublime
Flatter to deceive
Building arthouse cosmetics
Like a mismatched prosthetic
Like a mismatched prosthetic
Spreads llike wildfire
Burgeoning yuppie nirvana
Highbrow aesthetics
Decadents always crave more
Marvel at / the sleek design
The wilting talk / of curves and lines
A piece-de / -resistance
To banish my pig-ignorance
The public gets / what the public doesnt want
What use is this / to man or beast
It glosses over / basic needs
The public gets / what the public doesnt want
Access denied ? were utter philistines
Access denied ? were utter philistines
Caged in / the exclusion zone
Pass away / in sepia tones
Access denied ? accept were cultural slime
Access denied ? accept were cultural slime