Oh if you keep my word,
Ill make you as a tree,
Planted by the streams of life,
If youll submit to me.
And if you love the hateful ones,
Who mistreat you constantly,
The book of life shall bear your name,
If you love your enemies.
Yes, lord jesus.
Yes, lord jesus.
And if you do my will,
Ill make you living stones,
To build up in my fathers house,
If you serve me alone.
And if you love all men,
Especially the least,
Ill raise you up, the lowest ones,
And make you kings and priests.
Yes, lord jesus.
Yes, lord jesus.
And if youll seek my face,
And set your life apart,
Ill let myself be found by you,
When you search with all your heart.
And if you never turn aside,
To the left or to the right,
Ill be a lamp unto your feet,
And keep you on the path of light.
Yes lord jesus,
Yes lord jesus
Yes lord jesus,
Yes lord jesus