Milgrams 37We do what were toldWe do what were toldWe do what were toldTold to doWe do what were toldWe do what were toldWe do what were toldTold to doOne doubtOne voiceOne warOne truthOne dream
Детства чистые глазенки / Александр Лаэртский
I Can`t Let You Go / B.B. King
One of Those Nights / South Park Mexican
Che Begli Amici.. / Claudio Baglioni
Dialogue / Chicago
Feast / Skrew
Undesired / Ferlin Husky
Gone... And Forgotten / Pagan Lorn
The Christmas Song / Vince Gill
Running Away / Hoobastank
Танго памяти московского пломбира / Светлана Менделева