What up.
This is my 2nd riff that I created off of Tab notation.
My other (called Kick ass riffage) recieved crappy reviews.
I hope that this will renew your thoughts about me being a rookie tabber.
I am a 15 year old shredder and this is how I kick it.
This song has really weird timing so you`ll have to grasp that.
It is played at 70 wpm but the rhythm figure is played fast.
Tune your guit to Eb and use Metal distortion, Flanger, and attitude.
This song is played in the style of White Zombie`s J.
Here it is, Super Grunge Shred by C. Wright
(Beware, it`s a monster)
Notation explanation:
*= artificial harm.
pm = Palm mute
~ = Vibrato
^() = Bend to (fret)
^sb = Slight bend
h = Hammer on
p = pull off
Line 1
Line 2
|--------------------------------------------Rpt bth lines 4x|
Line 3 ( Rhythm solo )
|--0-let chord ring------------------------------------------|
^^Played rapidly
Line 4 (Lead solo)
Line 5 (solo cont.) Shredding time
Line 6 (solo cont.)
^Shredding all the way
Line 7 (solo cont.)
^Shredding all the way
Line 8 (Solo cont.)
|------------------------------------------------see below---|
|-----------12----------------12-----------------------12-14 -|
^Rapidly picked
Line 9(Solo cont.)
|--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----|
|----------------12----------14-12----12------------------------------ ----|
|-12----12-14-15----15-14-12-------15----15-14-15-14-13-12------------ ----|
|----14----------------------------------------------------14-12-14- 12----|
|--------------------------------------------------------------------- -14-|
|--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----|
^Use a wah and play with fret melting speed and accuracy . ending of solo
Line 10 (Main rhythm)
Line 11 (Main Rhythm cont.) }
|--------------------------------------------Rpt bth lines 4x|
Line 12 (Ending)
|---------------------------then----------7-let chord ring---|
|--2--3--2-let chord ring-----------------7------------------|
Well that`s pretty much it. I hope you enjoy this and (Unlike my previous song)
actually have fun playing and learning it. I love to see others succeed in Music.
I hope you do. Email me: Webmaster@whitezombie666.zzn.com
Peace out and enjoy all real music.