My toes can talk And they`re smiling at me Come down, they say Not afraid anymore And they talk to me And they smile at me I walked upstream And I sat in the mud Life sucks again Watching trees decompose And they talk to me And they smiled at me
Beast Of Burden / Rolling Stones
Санька / Александр Дольский
В который раз я уезжаю, боже мой... / Дмитрий Шульпов
Still Loving You / Charlie Louvin
Буйный ветер / Александр Вертинский
Gods Gift to Man / Tom Petty
Костры горят далекие / Золотое кольцо
Мой любимый / Н.Ветлицкая
Let Me Entertain You / All About Eve
So This Is Freedom / The Unseen
Dicke / Marius Müller-Westernhagen