I Hope You`re Happy Now from Blood and Chocolate tabbed by theoquik@aol.com
This is a guitar-based transcription, though some notes played by other instruments may be included so that the lone guitarist can more fully realize the tune as it exists on Blood & Chocolate. Those lone guitarists with dexterity trouble can skip those notes and still put over the song in question, but it won`t sound as cool. Lower case letters indicate that the preceding chord should be played with the lower case note in the bass (e.g. A g f = you play an A chord, then you play an A chord with a G in the bass, then an A chord with an F in the bass)
Tricky chords are pictured below the transcription.
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N.C. he`s a fine figure of a man and handsome
A / Asus (alternate between the two) too. with his eyes upon the secret places
A7 D/ Dsus (alternate between the two) he`d like to undo.
Bm b flat a b flat still he knows who and where and how---------------->
Bm D E and I hope you`re happy now
A / Asus
N.C. he`s got all the things you need and some that you would
A/ Asus never. but you make him sound like frozen food his
A7 D / Dsus love will last for- ever
Bm b flat a b flat still he knows what you want and what you don`t allow------------->