This Levi`s that I`m wearin` have been good to me
They just won`t admit they`re growin` old
Though my shirt`s made contract with a gutter now and then
At least it keeps my body from the cold
Thank God the folks back home in Harlan County
Can`t see what success has done for me
Would you believe that kids in Harlan High School voted me most likely to successeed
Now I`m walking on the sidewalks of Chicago
If I buy the bread I can`t afford the wine
Now I`m walking on the sidewalks of Chicago wishing I had lived some other time
I wasn`t here too long before I met her the lady really swept me off my feet
She stayed just long enough for me to love her
And now they`re sweepin` me up off the street
My mama thinks I`ve really hit the big time
She`s written every day since I`ve been gone
She don`t know hat 109 East Charlotte is the adress of the West Side Mission Home
Now I`m walking on the sidewalks...