I`m sexy, I`m cute, I`m popular to boot.
I`m bitchin`, great hair, the boys all love to stare.
I`m wanted, I`m hot, I`m everything your not!
I`m pretty, I`m cool, I dominate this school.
Who am I?
Just guess, guys wanna touch my chest.
I`m rockin`, I smile, and many think I`m vile.
I fly and I jump
You can look but don`t you hump(woo)
I`m nature, I roar,
I swear I`m not whore!
We cheer as we lead
We act like we`re on speed,
hate cuz we`re beautiful,
well we don`t like you either,
We`re cheerleaders.
Roll Call
Call me Big Red
I`m Whi-Whi-Whitney
I`m C-C-Courtney (roar)
Doubutouse Darcy
I`m Big Red Carver Yeah!
Just call me Kasey.
I`m still Big-Red
I sizzle I scorch
but now i past the torch
The ballets are in,
and ne girl has to win
She`s purky, she`s fun, and now she number One
K-K-K-Torrance, T-t-t-Torrance!
I`m strong and I`m loud
I`m gonna make you proud!
I`m T-t-t-Torrance
Your Captain Torrance.
Let`s go Torros
We are the Torros, the mighty, mighty Torros
We`re so terrific, we must be Torros!