Dear Mother
Dear Father
What Is this Hell You Have Put Me Through
Day in Day out Live My Life Through You
Pushed onto Me What`s Wrong or Right
Hidden from this Thing That They Call Life
Dear Mother
Dear Father
Every Thought I`d Think You`d Disapprove
Always Censoring My Every Move
Children Are Seen But Are Not Heard
Tear out Everything Inspired
Torn from Me Without Your Shelter
Barred Reality
I`m Living Blindly
Dear Mother
Dear Father
Time Has Frozen Still What`s Left to Be
Hear Nothing
Say Nothing
Cannot Face the Fact I Think for Me
No Guarantee, it`s Life As Is
But Damn You for Not Giving Me My Chance
Dear Mother
Dear Father
You`ve Clipped My Wings Before I Learned to Fly
I`ve Outgrown That Fucking Lullaby
Same Thing I`ve Always Heard from You
Do as I Say Not as I Do
Torn from Me Without Your Shelter
Barred Reality
I`m Living Blindly
I`m in Hell Without You
Cannot Cope Without You Two
Shocked at the World That I See
Innocent Victim Please Rescue Me
Dear Mother
Dear Father
Hidden in Your World You`ve Made for Me
I`m Seething
I`m Bleeding
Ripping Wounds in Me That Never Heal
Undying Spite I Feel for You
Living out this Hell You Always Knew.