Poisoned tears fall from a corroding sky down to a tortured earth
that`s been left to die. The oceans
diseased, the stricken lands decay. Mankind`s supremist mentality
has set this world ablaze. Nature`s plan forever altered,
animals lost to extinction. This society based on greed fuels
the onslaught of destruction. The circle of death ends with the
instigators victimized. The means to quench a selfish
lust brings eden`s demise. Mass-murder, demonic cruelty. Absolute
fascism. To end the enslavement and slaughter, the antidote is veganism.
Don`t let your outrage for injustice end where your
selfishness begins. I have conquered through selfcontrol,
together we can win. Respect for nature and innocent life, the end
of human over human oppression.
A peaceful world can evolve after animal liberation.
To persist with what is immoral is illogical.
There`s no excuse for violence against nature or
for the innocent to be killed. I see so much sickness. The enemy
surrounds. I see so much sickness. I fear what the future holds.
I have hope that the point of no return has not yet been
passed. These are the final moments. Sand pours from a broken hourglass.