Pain. Bashed to the floor. Ugly, inferior, helpless and worthless.
A low self-image has been made. It`s
continously reinforced. Barbed words that never leave the mind echo
and cripple from the inside. Wounds of selfdoubt bleed
fear and tension. Built to fall from a broken foundation.
Begging for forgiveness when no real wrong has been committed.
Just to try to calm the rage before it degenerates into violence.
There`s no refuge. In what should be the refuge when the wrong
words ignite anger. There`s no refuge.
In what should be the refuge when the wrong words ignite anger
into frustration that can`t be controlled.
Stumbled, fractured through years of confusion.
Now the direction`s set. Your potential is finally
realized. Rising as the embedded harm is slowly overcome.
Bashed to the floor. Ugly, inferior, helpless and worthless.
A low selfimage has been made. It`s continously reinforced.
Barbed words that never leave the mind, echo and cripple from the
inside. Arise and build anew. Express release. Seize control.
Express release. Reinvent. Arise and build anew.