It`s good to belong
The dead man`s clothes that you wear like a medal of honour
Why bother?
These clothes do not fit me
I was born for today and the day after
Year after year
All your classicisms and history don`t impress me
There`s no time like the present
Place the displace, enchant the disenchanted
Use your power
Millenium fever
Just another way of bringing us together
Never never
All your classicisms and history don`t impress me
I`ve got a lot to do
I still the same pull
(The future is now)
So come out wherever you are
Hiding in the decades, people
You`re not stupid, you must know the future is now
A dome is no home
A monument will not keep us warm in winter
Lose your fear
All your classicsms and history don`t impress me
I`ve got a lot to do
I still the same pull
(The future is now)
So com eout wherever you are
Hiding in the decades, people
You`re not stupid, you must know the future is now
All your classicisms and history don`t impress me
The future is here, so glad you made it here