(Written by Dave Wailin`, originally recorded by Honest Injun)
[A-gone gone gone, she been gone so long.]
[Le club de hockey Canadiens, le club de hockey Canadiens
Possede toujours les meilleurs joueurs, possede toujours les
meilleurs joueurs]
([The Canadian hockey team, the Canadian hockey team
always has the best players, always has the best players.])
[Now, that`s enough from me. I`m hungry, I`m an old man, I`m
tired, I`m dry. All I`ll say is `Seig heil,` and `Let`s go eat`.]
America crushed Germany to save its pretty face
America`s now the Fatherland, the whole world`s now a no-fun place
The whole world`s now a Jewish race
Fatherland America
McDonald`s land, America
Nazi scientists in US laboratories
paved the way for our democracy
Fascism and democracy
Now they go hand-in-hand
Fatherland America
Legoland America
For your freedom to be installed
They say that they`ll take it away,
but only just for a little while
Yeah, only just for a little while
Only just for a little while