If any of the lyrics here are wrong, can you put a an asterisk (*) before the line which has the correction(s), instead of sending me the whole song. If you don`t do that, my head might explode, which could get a lil messy. Thank you
Tainted Obligation / R.E.M.
Snowing on Raton / Pat Green
long night / crack the sky
Не верь мне, ты знаешь, что я не лгу... / Ирина Терентьева
lil joey / nilloc and jimmy
One Part Lullaby / Folk Implosion
Get Up / The Coup f Dead Prez
Exposed To You / Sister Double Happiness
Civil War Lament / Steve Kilbey
Big As I Can Dream / Roy Orbison
Revolution / Lil` Kim f Grace Jones, Lil` Cease