If you are a Pink Floyd fan or have heard the Wall then you definitely
remember the solo from Comfortably Numb. Sorry about the
rough looks of things. I have tabbed it to the best
of my ability. It was a callaborative effort between
me and me friend. If you have any comments/corrections, please e-mail me,
but be kind. I am only 14. This is also my first attempt at tabbing
so please be kind. - Blake
I hope you understand my symbols.
vvvv = vibrato
w = whammy bar
^ followed by number = bend that many steps eg .5 means a half
step bend (a single ^ means bend less than a half step)
3p2 = pulloff
3h4 = hammer on
/ = slide
x = unpitched percussive note
The majority of this is very fast...probably the equivelant of mostly 16th and32nd notes...
Thats what my friend says...I dont read music very well
Starting after the last I....have become comfortably numb lyric
--2-----7--9vvvvvvvvv-9^1vvvvvvv-9^1-7-7-9-9vv-7-7^--/-11---11-- --0-----------------------------------9---------9-----------------------
----7---------------9------9-9-9--- 7--7---x--7^.5-----------------------
-----------------7^--9p7-9-x-------- 7-x-7--x--7-x----------7-------
or highest fret
------------------------------------11p9 /(0)--------9-----------------------
Fade out...
There it is...I hope you get it all....Maybe as I get more experience tabbing
I will post it better.