I`m sitting in a cell There`s nothin` here to do Been here for a long time That`s for sure But there is a man I take him from behind He`s lookin` good Dressed up in blue Screw the screw
Колыбельная нового времени / Виктор Шнейдер
Dolls / Gavin Friday and The Man Seezer
Plastic People / Frank Zappa
Simon the Ghost / Ceaser
Пешком с востока стремясь на юг... / Михаил Щербаков
Послепобедный вальс / Александр Розенбаум
Ghetto Freak Show / Insane Clown Posse
(I`ve Got My) One Way Ticket to the Sky / Kitty Wells
Crown / Samael
Theme of New York / Ali Vegas
No Turning Back / Magnitude 9