----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE--------------------------------
This file is the author`s own work and represents their interpretation of the
song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.
-- File created with Instab - http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html --
Author/Artist: Led Zeppelin
Title: Stairway to Heaven (100% correct!!)
Album: Led Zeppelin IV (untitled)
Transcribed by: Ryan Bache
Email: dragon_o0o@yahoo.com
Alright, as most of you know, there is a BIG problem with
incorrect tabs found on the internet. Well I got sick of
finding tabs on the internet (especially Led Zepp.) that
weren`t correct at all. So I bought a book covering his
first 5 albums. I intend to tab out most of the songs in here
overtime (and by request of course). So anyway, as far
as I know, this is the first 100% correct version of Stairway
to Heaven out there. And don`t email me telling me that
anything i`ve tabbed out in here is wrong, unless you are
POSITIVE it is a mistake, in which case i`ll gladly change
it. There is one bad thing though. My book doesn`t include
solo`s (or most of them atleast), but some help is more
than none, right? Also, when you come to the part where
he`s singing If there`s a bustle in your hedgerow.... that
part and Yes, there are two paths you can go by... are
played with the same tabbs, so I put the first verse words
in CAPS and the second verse with a capitalized letter in
the beginning and end of each word. I`ll have phrases
from each verse in a different form of capitalization.
Understand? If you still don`t get it, then email me, i`ll
explain. One last thing before i get started that you should
know: this song had normal tuning and the beginning is
played slowly (as wellas most of the song). Well, here
------ There`s a la - dy sure all
gliters gold buy - ing stairwayto heav-en. gets she
if stores closed word she what she came for. Ooh,
ooh, and buy - ing stairway heav-en.
sign wall wants sure know words two me-
anings. In a tree by brook song - bird sings all
mis - giv-en.
(all upcoming strokes are down unless noted) U (i play this part w/o...)
U (..the open..) U (..A`s + D`s) wonder. Ooh,
There`s I get when to west spir - it cry-ing for
leav-in. In my seen rings through trees the voic-es
standlook-ing. U Ooh,
wonderU U U Ooh, U
wonder U U And soon
call tune piper rea-son. day dawn those
stand for-ests echo ter. U
Wo wo wo wo U U U
andU Uwonder U U
Oh,....... U U U
Your hum-ming won`t case know pip-er`s
join-him Dear lady wind blow st
airway wind? Oh,........... (Sorry, no solo!)
(after solo) (Am) D D [rest](G)D D [rest](F)D U U D U(G)D D (you
will need to play that part 7 times and then this comes) (Am) D D [rest] (G)
D D(Fmaj7)D D D U D U D D U D (Am)D D [rest] D D(Fmaj7)U D D U D U D D U
D (<---earlier: to be a rock and not to roll....) (outro stuff)(Am)D D D (
G)D D D (F)D D D U D U D D(G)D (play 3 times and then..)(Am)D D D(G)D D D
(Freely) And she`s buy - ing a stair - way to heav - en.
Alright, that`s it! Enjoi! Tab1.....next tab: Black Dog