puff the magic dragon — текст песни (Peter Paul And Mary)

From rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature Mon Nov 22 10:48:30 1993
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From: asaltevo@athena.mit.edu (Andrew S Altevogt)
Newsgroups: rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature
Subject: CRD: Puff the Magic Dragon
Date: 21 Nov 1993 22:49:26 GMT
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lines: 63
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Message-ID: <2cor9m$qo9@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU>
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Hey this was what was posted about a week or two ago. Enjoy.

Puff (The Magic Dragon)
Words and Music by Peter Yarrow and Leonard Lipton, 1963.
(my Peter Paul & Mary songbook has this in Bb; I`ve transposed to C to
make it easier to play. Purists can, of course, reverse the process.)

C Em F C F
Puff, the magic drag-on lived by the sea And frol-icked in the

C Am D7 G7 C Em
au-tumn mist in a land called Ho-nah-Lee-, Lit-tle Jack-ie Pa-per

loved that rascal Puff And brought him strings and

C Am D7 G7 C G7
sealing wax and other fancy stuff. Oh!

C Em F C F
Puff, the magic drag-on lived by the sea And frol-icked in the

C Am D7 G7
au-tumn mist in a land called Ho-nah-Lee-,

C Em F C F
Puff, the magic drag-on lived by the sea And frol-icked in the

C Am D7 G7 C
au-tumn mist in a land called Ho-nah-Lee. -
last time to Coda

(C) Em F C
1. - To- get-her they would trav-el on a boat with bil-lowed sail,-
2. - A drag-on lives for-ev-er but not so lit - tle boys,-
3. - His head was bent in sor-row green scales fell like rain,-

F C Am7 D7 G7
1. Jack-ie kept a look-out perched on Puff`s gi-gan-tic tail,
2. Paint-ed wings and gi-ant rings make way for oth-er toys,
3. Puff no long-er went to play a - long the cher-ry lane, With-

C Em F C
1. No-ble kings and princ-es would bow when-e`er they came,
2. One grey night it hap-pened, Jack-ie Pa-per came no more And
3. out his life-long friend Puff could not be brave So

F C Am7 D7 G7 C G7
1. Pi-rate ships would low`r their flag when Puff roared out his name. Oh!
2. Puff that might-y drag-on, he ceased his fear-less roar. Oh!
3. Puff that might-y drag-on, sad - ly slipped in-to his cave. Oh!

D7 G7 C F C G7 C
Coda: land called Ho - nah - Lee.

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