So if we№re up all night again, and we№re talking about my friends, remind me to tell Jesse he was right. I don№t think Brook would like to hear that the drawings in his wallet were not clear. Those watermelons are way too big for me. We№re driving, I№m singing, The world is really 20 miles away. And she says, without hesitation, Why can№t everyone be as smart as me? So that night I№m on her couch, it№s almost morning light again. Didn№t this happen last Tuesday? I remember the Promise Ring. I№m never sleeping anymore, I№m always listening and talking to you. So what the hell, it№s 5am again. So I№m guessing that I am sick all the time Њcause I№m scared to be alone. If I ride this out, and I do not say a word, then maybe we can still be friends.