I couldn`t spell when I was a little kid, I couldn`t spell.
So my parents were all concerned so they went down to the uh toy store.
They bought me a little red box called Speak... n` spell.
You remember that? Speak n` spell?
They shouldn`t have called it speak and spell.
What they should`ve called it was Speak... Like the Devil!
Remember the voice A-E-I-O-U. What was that? A-B-C-D-
*punch, scream* That thing was evil. L-M-N-.
That thing would wake me in the middle of the night like 2 in
the morning...
Play with me! Get up, I wanna spell right now! I`m 8 years old.
I spell great. I talk like a freak.
I`m like...Mom, something is wrong! Something is W-R-O-N-G, wrong.