Date: Mon, 04 Nov 1996 09:58:14 -0800
From: John A.Hurd
Subject: Ozzy Osbourne transcript
Here`s my transcription of I Don`t Want to Change the World by Ozzy Osbourne.
Written by: Ozzy Osbourne, Zakk Wylde, Randy Castillo, Lemmy Kelmister
As appears on Ozzy Osbourne`s No More Tears
D tuning
Legend: / = Slide up
= Slide down
^ = hammer on / pull off
( ) = bend
ph = pinch harmonic
pm = palm muting
D |-----------------------------------|---------------------------|
A |-----------------------------------|---------------------------|
F |---2--------2--------------5--5/7--|---2--------2-----2--------|
C |---2--------2--------------5--5/7--|---2--------2-----2--------|
G |---0--x--x--0--x--x--x--x--3--3/5--|---0--x--x--0--x--0--------|
D |-----------------------------------|---------------------------|
The whole song primarely goes along those lines... When he comes to the refrain, it
switches to:
I don`t want to change...
Then, right before the solo:
I haven`t got around to the solo, yet. Besides, it`s always better to stay along the
lines of the original version, but express yourself by incorporating some original
material in the solo (taping, etc).