Main Riff:
This note is played in the intro, but I`m not sure about the verse. vvv ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------3---0-----------3---0-----------4---0---------4---4-4--[4] ------2-----2---------2-----2---------3-----3-----3---3-----3--- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2-------------0h2-------------0h4-------------0h4----[4]--------
^^^ This note is not played in the intro, but is present when Vedder is singing the verses.
And everything else is just a repeat of those bits, I think.
Hope that`s OK. Cheers ...
Waiting, watching the clock, it`s 4 o`clock, it`s got to stop Tell him, take no more she practices her speech As he opens the door, she rolls over Pretends to sleep as he looks her over
She lies and says she`s in love with him Can`t find a better man She dreams in colour she dreams in red Can`t find a better man Can`t find a better man Can`t find a better man .. Ohh ..
Talking to herself there`s no one else who needs to know She tell herself, ohh .. Memories, back when she was smooth and strong and waited for The world to come along, swears she knew it now she swears he`s gone
She loved him, yeah. She don`t want to leave this way She feeds him, yeah. That`s why she`ll be back again
Can`t find a better man ...
From: (scott sebastian minder)
This is from the live Pearl Jam concert from Atlanta last weekend:
From: (Johan Kristian Sveen) Subject: Re: TAB: Pearl Jam Better Man
You can also play Betterman this way: ------------------------------------------ ---3---0---0------3---0---------0--------- ---2-----2--------2--------2-------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ ---2--------------2-----------------------
>From here on it`s basically the same chords as `chorus 1`, but with added fills. It`s pretty pointless to tab all the little bits :-) Enjoy this song..
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 23:44:44 -0500 (CDT) From: Denny
: Here`s my thinking on `Betterman`-- I`m not exactly sure what you wanted : here, so I tried to post most of the parts--Keep in mind, most of this is : varied from time to time, so don`t be afraid to experiment with : improvisation.
: ---0-------0---------------------7----------------------- : -------5-----5-6---6-6---6-8---8---8----6---6-6---6-8---- : -4---4---4-----5-5-----5---7-7-------7--5-5-----5---7---- Pre-Chorus : --------------------------------------------------------- : --------------------------------------------------------- : --------------------------------------------------------- : This follows above lines : -------2---------------------;------0-2------------5--5--------5--5-5-5----- : -----3---3--------2------0---;----------3---------3----3------3---3-3-3----- : ---2-------2--------2------0-;----2-------2------2------2----2----2-2-2----- : -0-----------0---------------;--0---------------2-----------2-----2-2-2----- : ----------------0------------;-----------------0-----------0------0-0-0----- : -----------------------3-----;---------------------------------------------- : Repeat part before semicolons 3X : After the semicolon: This is a variation of the chord A. Play it by : barreing the strings at the second and then use your middle finger to : fret the 3rd on the b string and your pincky to fret the 5th on the high : E. It takes a while to get used too, so don`t expect it to be really : easy at first. I put the numbers here so close to try to get across the : strumming effect used (usually represented by a squiggly line in : manuals). Just kinda strum this chord and then a D chord shown below:
: -2--2-2-2-------------------------------------- : -3--3-3-3---2------------------------3-0---0--- : -2--2-2-2---2-----(pause)---2---2-2--2---2----- Back to intro : -0--0-0-0---2---------------------------------- : ------------0---------------------------------- : ---------------3-------------------------------
: -2---4--5--7--5--7--- These are the order and shape of the chords : -3---5--6--8--6--8--- when the song picks up. : -2---4--5--7--5--7--- : -0---0--0--0--0--0--- : --------------------- : -2---4--5--7--5--5---
: When the song kicks in, both acoustic and electric guitars play : simultaneously: