No matter gay orgrim;it`s those tiny little sparks daily life that makes meforget my wounded heartIt doesn`t matter whenit may rain or it may shineblurred memories of uscome back from time to time(Lyrics from
I Guess I`m Crazy (for Loving You) / The Browns
Once upon the Seas of Abyssinia / Marc Bolan and T. Rex
Brain Machine / Timoria
I`m On Fire / K` Da Cruz
Личная песенка / Александр Вертинский
Нет счастья на земле... / Александр Баль
Last Laugh / Morgoth
Let The Pendulum Swing / Kenny Loggins
Let Me Entertain You / Bobby Darin
Freshie / Scopes Phil
Исключение из правил / Аркадий Кохан