Watch out! The part you play is a cop-out.
Shut out! Authority`s been shut down.
Clamped down! Conditioned so you`re held down.
Chill out let rule again to lash out.
Take it in hand. go for the throat
Shit hits the fan, you`re at the end of the rope.
Hands down! Sudden order wins out.
Lose out! A crazed attack will come `round.
Sit down and think about your next round.
Bail out you`re seriously in doubt!
Take it in hand, go for the throat
Shit hits the fan, you`re at the end of the rope.
Take it in hand, it`s beyond hope.
The smoke will clear, but the pain
Beneath that shell in the temple`s your god
All alone
At one at once
the truth emerged
Now there`s none.