I am the medium to treasures that pulsate in your desire among the death and the alive my regency swells at you side I give you I give blood I shell become one with god in your world the genius reads my epitaph MY ENERGY GROWS ON AND ON.
Back in 72 / Bob Seger
L.A. plane / Cher
Will I Start To Bleed / Marty Willson-Piper
It Be`s That Way Sometime / Nina Simone
Luv 2 Luv U (Remix) / Timbaland and Magoo
Valentine / T`Pau
Wheres The Light / Toni Childs
Roll Daddy, Roll / Manhattan Transfer
Wake Up / Run D.M.C.
Сердце / Полина Гагарина
Concrete Lie / Watcha